What is Earth-lightworkers Unite Community?
A place where, we as lightworkers can feel safe to be ourselves, connect with like-minded souls, have fun remembering who we truly are and our connection to Source and each other, discover and share our gifts with the world, learn ways to raise and keep our vibrations high,
give and receive love, support and appreciate one another, and be united as one to create a better world for us all.
Our Mission
Uniting divinely aligned individuals and communities as one massive passionate energetic body - to raise and expand mass consciousness to love frequency so that LOVE is behind every creation, expression, action in a new love-based world.
Why the questionnaire?
To maintain an environment where everyone is committed and ready to uphold the virtue, responsibility, integrity and principle of what it means to be termed as a lightworker.
What do we hope to achieve?
Through this community, we hope to achieve unity amongst all lightworkers - who are willing to be the front-liners in laying down a solid foundation of a love-conscious society. Together, our family of lightworkers represent true examples of Oneness.
As ambassadors of spirituality, we forge into reality a world of love, cooperation and harmony.
Who are we?
We are four lightworkers who want nothing more than to get together with other lightworkers, to connect, communicate with each other in fun, creative ways including building a love-based society.
To be a member, lightworkers must answer the questionnaire for admission. Membership is subjected to changes by admin.
Tree-of-Life Forum
Hover on top of each item on and around the tree will help you navigate quickly to where you want to go. Use the various forums as ‘go-to places’ to meet lightworkers for getting to know each other, chit-chat, sharing of ideas, deep thoughts and expansion of our hearts and mind. We ask that discussions, comments, opinions be shared in a mindful, thoughtful and respectful way.
As lightworkers, let’s use this platform to cultivate a loving peaceful approach with each other.
No soliciting of your courses, products, businesses. We will immediately suspend the individual/s from participating in the community. Further action in terms of termination of membership may be taken under the discretion of the admin.
Business Venture
For lightworkers who would like to advertise or work with us to promote or merchandise their courses or products, please contact us at to find a workable solution for both parties.
Wishing Window
This is like a prayer room for those who wish to ask for support, guidance, manifestation, releasing of the past/old habit from God, Source, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters. Click on the accompanying track for instant alignment with God/Source and then state your wish/desire/dream/intention clearly. End it with gratitude.
The meditations we provide on this website are for the purpose of transmuting low vibrational conditions through raising the vibration and transforming it into a loving and peace-filled high-vibrational 5D environment.
We would love to keep expanding this community by providing a full-on self-sustaining community with lots of facilities for lightworkers to cultivate their gifts, have fun, make connections, work together to create and build a love-based society. In order to achieve this ambition, generous support and contributions are fully appreciated.
House Rules
Click here: to be in the know of how we would love lightworkers in this community to communicate and work with each other.
Terms and Conditions
Links and References
Any links and references found on this website are used for discussion purposes. We are not promoting them nor are we associated with the owners of the product or article. There are no benefits or gratuitous exchanges involved unless stated otherwise.
Artwork and Illustration
The illustrations and artwork on our website are designed by MOONI. For those interested in purchasing her work or requiring her artwork and designing services, please contact her at mooni.illust@gmail.com
For any other questions, please CONTACT US.